Good morning, everyone!
My name is Wenche “venkia”. I am Norwegian by design, and this is my interior decorating blog!
I am a Norwegian New Yorker, a wife and a mommy, and I have a strong passion for interior decorating. The thought of launching this blog started brewing a few years ago, but due to some important and happy interruptions, it didn’t really come to fruition until, well, now. I obviously don’t know where this will take me yet, but I am extremely excited to find out!
My main intention (besides learning how to make a great blog) is to show you how to make a space classy and cozy with small, Norwegian if you will, touches and changes, a skill I according to myself, my husband and at least a few other people inhabit. Also, as I am currently no more than a decorating enthusiast, I plan to educate myself quite a bit about design, and I want to share what I learn with you!
I am completely new to the blogging world, so I have a lot to learn. As my knowledge and skills increase, so will hopefully the quality of this blog. But you gotta start somewhere, right? That being said, I would love any input, ideas and tips you might have for me – about interior decorating AND blogging in general! Please leave a response!
Thanks for stopping by, – I hope to see you again!